This will show you how to customize the Hotkeys for Dahua PSS software.
Locate the file named “UserLogin.ini” in the PSS program path.
The Hotkeys are in the “[ShortKey]” section of the file.
Explanation of the Values
• ShortKeyCount – Total number of hotkeys
• ShortKey_ItemName1 – Hotkey 1 Explanation (not important)
• ShortKey_ItemKey1 – Hotkey 1 Combination Description (not important)
• ShortKey_KeyValue1 – Hotkey 1 Value (important)
• ShortKey_KeyModifiers1 – Hotkey 1 Modifier (important)
In the case of CTL+F, CTL is the Modifier, F is the value.
So if you want to use the F key to switch to full screen, instead of CTL+F ..
ShortKey_ItemName1=Real Display Full Screen
Note: just changing the ItemKey alone will do nothing.
Also, disable UAC before making changes to the INI file.
A=65, B=66 …. F=70 …. W=87, etc
Here is a small FREE tool to get keycodes:
Download GetKeycodes
Optionally you could change the Hotkeys from within PSS.
Run PSS and go to “Config”, “Options”, “Hotkeys”.