Category Archives: Dahua

Customize Dahua PSS Hotkeys

This will show you how to customize the Hotkeys for Dahua PSS software.
Locate the file named “UserLogin.ini” in the PSS program path.
The Hotkeys are in the “[ShortKey]” section of the file.

Explanation of the Values

• ShortKeyCount – Total number of hotkeys
• ShortKey_ItemName1 – Hotkey 1 Explanation (not important)
• ShortKey_ItemKey1 – Hotkey 1 Combination Description (not important)
• ShortKey_KeyValue1 – Hotkey 1 Value (important)
• ShortKey_KeyModifiers1 – Hotkey 1 Modifier (important)

In the case of CTL+F, CTL is the Modifier, F is the value.
So if you want to use the F key to switch to full screen, instead of CTL+F ..

ShortKey_ItemName1=Real Display Full Screen

Note: just changing the ItemKey alone will do nothing.
Also, disable UAC before making changes to the INI file.

A=65, B=66 …. F=70 …. W=87, etc
Here is a small FREE tool to get keycodes:
Download GetKeycodes

Optionally you could change the Hotkeys from within PSS.
Run PSS and go to “Config”, “Options”, “Hotkeys”.